Welcome to Around Town Today
Williamsburg, Clarendon, and Georgetown Counties
Kingstree, Georgetown, Hemingway , Manning, and others.



We want to thank you for visiting us here at Around Town Today.  We will in the very near future provide information about areas in Williamsburg, Clarendon, and Georgetown Counties including but not limited to: 

                                                1.   Our Towns, Kingstree, Georgetown, Hemingway , Manning, and others.
                                                2.  Our Counties:  Williamsburg, Clarendon, and Georgetown
                                                3.  Area Events
                                                4.  Family Events and Gatherings
                                                5.  Postings by Others.

For now we invite you to join us celebrating these up coming Holidays in providing food for those in need.   We want to see the blessing of Christmas surround us in Love and Grace..    And an early "Merry Christmas" to you and yours.   

We want to thank the Williamsburg County Sheriff's Office, At McIntosh with HomeGrownCotton and the Kingstree IGA in conjunction with the Kingstree Fire Department in participating in this year's "HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE"  

                           Visit us OnLine to Get the Details on how to participate.

                                       Go to:    www.AroundTownToday.com/kingstree  

More Details to Come
Inquiries Email:  Info@AroundTownToday.com


Website/Hosting by Virginia Taylor
Email: MarGin707@aol.com